Student Gallery | Video |

Creator: This video was created by Hannah Zipko for Instructor Kassia Jackson-Waggoner’s English 10803: Rhetoric of Cinema course. 
Creators: This video was created by Shannon Quinn, Amanda Patino, and Taylor Romero for Dr. Kassia Jackson-Waggoner’s Introduction to Women and Gender Studies course.

Tessa Evans, Hannah Gustafson, and Rachel Manning
This video was created by Evans, Gustafson, and Manning for for Instructor Mary McCulley’s ENGL 10113 (Introduction to Poetry) course.
Creator: Taylor Fulk
This video was created by Fulk for the ENGL 10803 course (First Year Composition: Writing As Inquiry).
Creator: Ryan Conway
This video was created by Conway for Instructor Nicole Green’s ENGL 10803 course (First Year Composition: Writing As Inquiry).
Creator: Jeff Callison
This video was created by Callison for Dr. Keith Whitworth’s SOCI 30223 course (Social Justice and Environmental Sustainability).
Creator: Caitlin Irvin
This video was created by Irvin for the .MOV Awards.