Page created by New Media Writing Studio Studio Assistant Jay Jay Stroup
Are you interested in Digital Humanities? Check out the resources below: current trends, resources at TCU, resources beyond TCU, DH projects, and valuable tools.
Current Trends
To read more in-depth about the trends listed below, check out Debates in the Digital Humanities, Digital Humanities: A Reader, and the #digitalhumanities/#dh hashtags on Twitter.
- Pros & Cons of a de-centered DH
- Practice vs. Theory
- Builders & Coders
- Methodologies: macroanalysis vs. close reading; mapping/GIS; meta-analysis of DH trends, projects, and/or practitioners
- Lack of Diversity: gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, geography (beyond US), disciplinary, medium (objects of study beyond text), and audience (beyond the academy)
- Access (Disability Studies)
- Open Access Movement
- Academic Publishing and Tenure/Promotion Reform
Resources at TCU
Centers / Institutes
- Center for Digital Expression
- Microgrant Program
- DH Resources page
- “Adventures in Digital History” blog post by Joe Schiller, History MA student & NMWS Graduate Assistant
- Scholarship Roundtable & Pedagogy Roundtable (annual)
- Lunch & Learn brown bags (monthly)
- Digital Humanities Speaker Series
- Staff are available for consults and class visits/tutorials (submit your request)
- ICCE (Institute for Critical and Creative Expression)
- Koehler Center for Teaching Excellence (speakers, workshops, open lab, educational technology support, and Teaching Fully Online course)
- Incubator Lab (Rees-Jones Hall)
- Library (GIGA Lab and Sandbox)
- Rees-Jones Hall
- Extended Education
- Dr. Curt Rode, Associate Director of CDEx, English
- Dr. Jason Helms, Director of CDEx, English
- Dr. Brad Lucas, English
- Dr. Max Krochmal, History
- Ammie Harrison, Library
- Joanna Schmidt, Koehler Center
- Graduate students: Nicholas Alexander Brown, Whitney Lew James, Kayla A. Sparks, Sean McCullough, Jongkeyong Kim, and Sofia Huggins
Resources beyond TCU
Professional Organizations
- Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)
- HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) (free to join)
- Texas Digital Humanities Consortium (TXDHC) – on hiatus (6/2019)
Conferences / Workshops
- ADHO’s Annual Conference
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
- THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp): attend one or host one – no longer active
- CDEx hosted THATCamp Feminisms Texas 2015 in March 2015
- CFPs & Conferences from DH Now
- Conferences for Digital Humanities, Digital Archives, Digital Libraries, and Digital Museums (admin: Amanda French)
DH Centers / Institutions
- Office of Digital Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
- CenterNet: An International Network of Digital Humanities Centers
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) (University of Victoria)
- Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (George Mason University)
- Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) (University of Maryland)
- NuLab for Texts, Maps, and Networks (Northeastern University)
- The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) (University of Virginia)
DH Journals
- Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ)
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) (formerly LLC, Literary & Linguistics Computing)
- Journal of Digital Humanities (JDH)
- Digital Studies / Le champ numérique (multilingual)
- Hybrid Pedagogy: a digital journal of learning, teaching, and technology
Free DH textbooks / edited collections
- Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities (2013)
- Debates in the Digital Humanities (2012)
- Digital_Humanities (2012)
- Collaborative Approaches to the Digital in English Studies (2011)
- A Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2008)
- Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web (2005)
- A Companion to Digital Humanities (2004)
DH textbooks / edited collections
- Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities (2014)
- Defining Digital Humanities: A Reader (2013)
- Digital Humanities: Pedagogy: Practices, Principles, and Politics (2012)
- The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age (2010)
Websites / Blogs
- ACH’s Digital Humanities Questions & Answers
- Day of DH (@DayofDH and website)
- Digital Humanities Now
- DHCommons
- Transformative Digital Humanities (#transformDH movement)
- DiRT: Digital Research Tools
- mediacommons: a digital scholarly network
- ProfHacker (Chronicle of Higher Education)
- #alt-acacademy (a mediacommons project)
- MLA Commons (search “digital humanities” in the Groups)
Valuable Tools
- Codecademy
- W3Schools
- DiRT: Digital Research Tools
- Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
- Zotero (free, open-source citation management system)
- Creative Commons licensing
- Juxta
- Camtasia (screencast software)
- Google Docs
- Dropbox or another cloud-based storage service
DH Projects: Guidelines
- MLA’s “Guidelines for Evaluating Work with Digital Media in the Modern Languages”
- Center for Digital Research in the Humanities’ “Best Practices for Digital Humanities Projects” (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
- “Evaluating Digital Scholarship” in Profession 2011
DH Projects: Small Scale
- “Watch the Bubble” by Daniel Anderson (published in Kairos)
- Jesuit Libraries Project & The Jesuit Libraries Provenance Project, directed by Kyle Roberts, Loyola University
DH Projects: Large Scale
- Early Modern Map of London, University of Victoria
- Viral Texts: Mapping Networks of Reprinting in 19th-Century Newspapers and Magazines, NULab at Northeastern
- English Broadside Ballad Archive, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Early Caribbean Digital Archive, Northeastern
- What Jane Saw, University of Texas, Austin
- Metadata Games, Dartmouth