For a second year, in June 2015, Jessica Menkin and Dr. Chantel Langlinais Carlson had the privilege of working with some of the junior high boys of H.O.P.E. Farm in a creative writing workshop that took place in the New Media Writing Studio.
For two days, the boys wrote and recorded their own rap song, and Jessica and Chantel worked together to create a video to accompany their song. Both workshop leaders were very impressed with the hard work and dedication that the boys put into this project, especially since they only had four hours to compose and perform the song.
H.O.P.E. Farm is a “leadership program guiding at-risk boys to become Christ-centered men of integrity.” H.O.P.E Farm was founded in 1990 by former Fort Worth police officer Gary Randle and former Department of Public Safety investigator Noble Crawford, Jr.
The two-day, six-hour creative writing workshop took place in the New Media Writing Studio.
We hope you enjoy this video!

H.O.P.E Farm Creative Writing Workshop
Monday, June 16th to Tuesday, June 17th (1:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
In June 2014, Dr. Chantel L. Carlson and Jessica Menkin designed a two-day creative writing workshop for the boys of H.O.P.E. Farm, cofounded by Dr. Carlson’s former student Gary Randle. H.O.P.E. Farm is a “leadership program guiding at-risk boys to become Christ-centered men of integrity.” The two-day, six-hour creative writing workshop took place in the New MediaWriting Studio. Prior to the workshop, the boys were given disposable cameras and asked to take pictures of anything that gave them hope. Then they used these images to compose their own poems and created a journal entitled How H.O.P.E. Changed Us.